Notices/Permission Forms

Junior Zoo Trip - Tuesday 26 November

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

The junior classes (years 0-3) will be visiting the Wellington Zoo on Tuesday 26th November as part of our learning about animals. Thanks to funding from the DSPTA, there is no cost for this trip.

Please click here for the full notice and to complete the permission form by Tuesday 12 November at the latest, (as this is a very busy time of year we would really appreciate your early response to this) Thank you

Kind regards

Junior Teachers

School Photo order form for Rooms 6A, 8, 8A

This is the link to the Sue Allman People Google form to order this year’s school photos:

Discovery School Photo Order Form - New Entrants

Discovery School photos are being taken on Tuesday 22nd October.  The closing date for orders is 1pm on Friday 18th October. Please note that there will be a $10 charge for late orders received after this date.

Ngā mihi,
m: 021 988 632

Discovery School Photo Order Form - Netball Discovery Legends, Discovery Tornadoes

This is the link to the Sue Allman People Google form to order this year’s sports team photos:

Discovery School Sports Team Photo Order Form

Discovery School Sports Team photos are being taken on Tuesday 22nd October. The closing date for orders is 1pm on Friday 18th October. Please note that there will be a $10 charge for late orders received after this date.

Ngā mihi
m: 021 988 632

Term 3 Weather Tightness/The Companion Way Entrance Access Times

At the back of the school, the weather tightness recladding work has begun on Rooms 20-23.  This work is expected to take around 6 months.  

The Companion Way entrance to the school is still accessible for pick up and drop off, however will be closed between the hours of 9.20am and 2.40pm.  In the next holidays, a new retaining wall will be constructed at the end of Room 20 and there may be a week or so where this accessway is closed completely, however we will let you know if this is the case.  

The Companionway School Entry Closure - Advance notice

The building work at the back of the school includes a new retaining wall along the end of Room 20.  This work will be started in the school holidays, however it will take longer than 2 weeks.  Therefore, the Companion Way entrance to school will be closed from 30 September until 1 November.  It may reopen early if the weather is kind to us.  If you use The Companion Way entrance to the school, please get your child to walk down Capstan Lane and connect with the walkway that leads to the back gate on the field or the back entrance.  This will ensure we don’t add additional traffic to the front of the school.

Important - Emergency Contacts/Medical Information - Action required

Can you please check that your emergency contact details are correct and up to date. You do this by opening the Musac edge app or portal, and downloadng the Reports 'Student Info Sheet' see instructions below.

Also please check that your child/rens doctor and any medical details are correct (to check information on your child you go into REPORTS on your phone and STUDENTS REPORTS from computer to download the info).

If you haven't yet downloaded the Edge App or Edge parent-caregiver portal please click here for instructions.

Please note in an emergency your child/ren will only be released to legal guardians or those people listed as your emergency contacts.


If you have any changes to your contact details please email changes to

If you need to update your child/rens medical forms please email and request a new medical form.

Thank you for checking your details.